(55 11) 2306-1000

Benefits for Customers
Currently, health institutions acknowledge that medical supplies are responsible for their second largest cost, while payroll is the first. Such expenses greatly impact hospitals' finances, and therefore control of purchases, storage, use and tracking should be constant activities, but that is not always the case. Losses are, on average, 30% in inventories, 20% in obsolescence rates and up to 15% in each institution's financial margin.
This is not the only aggravating factor, although it is truly relevant, however the risks posed to patients' health safety by inadequate supplies are a matter of concern. Studies show that an average 33% of mistakes occur in medication during hospitalization, over 1,000 medications are recalled every year in our country, which makes controlling batches, expirations dates and the list of patients that used certain medications, supplies and/or products more difficult.
In this scenario, it must be said that all investment in hospital logistics should be a priority in Health Management, and it should ensure compliance with rules and resolutions issued by the sanitary agencies.